Recently someone asked me how to find all anagrams of a given word contained in a dictionary, i.e. a file containing a large numnber of words, one per line.

While I have an implementation in Python, I thought I’d try it in F#.

The basic way to solve this problem, is to find a means to determine a key/hash for each word and then storing it in a dictionary or map, along with the anagrams that match the given key.

One can use a fancy method to determine the key, e.g. create a prime number hash, based on position of each letter in the alphabet, but for now, it’s as easy to sort each word, as all anagrams of a given word, sort to the same string.

This can be done easily in F#, as all the magic happens inside Array.groupBy. This takes the array of words read from the file and creates a dictionary where the key is the sorted word (all anagrams sort to the same string) and the value is an array of all words with the same key (i.e. anagrams). They dictionary is then converted to an Sequence.

I don’t believe F# has it’s own sort string function, so you have to write your own.

open System.IO

|> File.ReadAllLines
|> Array.groupBy sortString

And that’s it.

Let’s say though, that we wanted to print the words with the most anagrams, and find the top 10 words, we can extend our code by:

open System.IO
|> File.ReadAllLines
|> Seq.groupBy sortString
|> Seq.sortByDescending (snd >> Seq.length)
|> Seq.take 10
|> Seq.iter (fun (k, vs) -> vs |> String.concat "," |> printfn "%s : %s" k)

Seq.groupBy returns a sequence containing a tuple of our key and a sequence of words that match this key. So we just sort the outer sequence by the length of this inner sequence, then take 10 and then print the result to the console.

Which gives us:

aelrst : alerts,alters,artels,estral,laster,ratels,salter,slater,staler,stelar,talers
aeprs : apers,asper,pares,parse,pears,prase,presa,rapes,reaps,spare,spear
aelst : least,setal,slate,stale,steal,stela,taels,tales,teals,tesla
aceprs : capers,crapes,escarp,pacers,parsec,recaps,scrape,secpar,spacer
einrst : estrin,inerts,insert,inters,niters,nitres,sinter,triens,trines
acers : acers,acres,cares,carse,escar,races,scare,serac
aeinrst : anestri,nastier,ratines,retains,retinas,retsina,stainer,stearin
aelrs : arles,earls,lares,laser,lears,rales,reals,seral
aeprss : aspers,parses,passer,prases,repass,spares,sparse,spears
aest : ates,east,eats,etas,sate,seat,seta,teas

My sort string function is as follows:

let rec listToString l =
    match l with
    | [] -> ""
    | head :: tail -> head.ToString() + listToString tail

let sortString s =
    s |> Seq.sort |> Seq.toList |> listToString

I downloaded a text file containing words, but you can pick it up from here.

That’s all.